Advocacy Platform

HCCMC advances the social and economic development of small businesses and minority communities. We promote strong policies that foster economic growth for businesses and families in Montgomery County.

The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Montgomery County advocacy efforts not only provide your business with the optimal conditions for growth but also ensure that the policies we champion have a profoundly positive impact on the well-being of our vibrant community. We strive to create an environment where your business can flourish, contributing to the collective prosperity of Montgomery County and the State of Maryland.

December 11, 2023

Bill 42-23
Menstrual Products Access and Equity Act

Lead Sponsor: Will Jawando

HCCMC Position: Oppose

Summary: Bill 42-23, the Menstrual Products Access and Equity Act, as currently drafted. HCCMC believes that alternative proposals can better address the important issue of providing free menstrual products while minimizing unintended consequences. 

Read our formal position in the letter sent to all council members below.

October 13, 2023

Bill 35-23
Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees

Lead Sponsor: Will Jawando and Kirstin Mink

HCCMC Position: Oppose

Summary: Bill 35-23, the Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees. HCCMC joined the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce, Greater Silver Spring Chamber of Commerce, Greater Bethesda Chamber of Commerce in strong opposition to Bill 35-23. In sum, this legislation would ultimately reduce the overall earnings for tipped employees, and would harm an overstressed industry that is struggling to emerge from a global pandemic. 

Read our full stand below.

Hispanic Business Foundation

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